#1 29-01-2019 14:42:06

Geregistreerd: 02-05-2008
Posts: 2,176

GK4 en BEKC nieuw reserveringssysteem


Goede middag allemaal,

We hebben een nieuw reserverings- en betalingssysteem geïntroduceerd voor de GK4 en BEKC.
Om de reservering voor u zo eenvoudig mogelijk te maken, hebben we op www.gk4kartseries.com, onder downloads een leidraad geplaatst. De leidraad ik ook onder aan deze mail weergegeven.

Het systeem loopt via Stripe en Aticket. De reservering wordt bevestigd als u de reservering en betaling succesvol hebt verricht en u op de orderbevestigingspagina uw Tickets kunt downloaden.
U krijgt een bevestiging van uw reservering per email, met daabij als bijlagen gevoegd de Tickets van de races waarvoor u heeft gereserveerd.

Wanneer een reservering niet succesvol wordt afgerond, wordt het eventueel voldane bedrag na door Stripe teruggeboekt.

Door deze werkwijze worden reserveringen niet nog een keer per email bevestigd. Immers de vouchers zijn de bevestiging. Zonder tegenbericht is alles in orde.

Op de pagina met persoonlijke details treft u een open veld "Speciale wensen".
Hierin kunt het gewenste startnummer en uw transpondernummer aangeven of dat u een transponder wilt huren.
Tevens kunt u hier aangeven of u een factuur wenst. Dan graag ook de factuurgegevens vermelden.

Aan degenen die wel hebben gereserveerd, maar daarbij niet de gegevens omtrent transponder en startnummer hebben vermeld verzoeken we om dit nog even per email aan ons door te geven; info@gk4kartseries.com.

Good afternoon,

We have introduced a new reservation and payment system for the GK4 and BEKC.
In order to make the reservation as simple as possible for you, we have placed a guide on www.gk4kartseries.com, under downloads. The guide is also displayed at the bottom of this email.

The system runs via Stripe and Aticket. The reservation is confirmed once you have successfully made the reservation and payment and you can download your Tickets on the order confirmation page.
You will receive a confirmation of your reservation by email, with attached attachments to the Tickets of the races for which you have booked.

If a reservation is not successfully completed, any amount paid will be refunded by Stripe.

Thanks to this method, reservations are not confirmed once again by email. After all, the vouchers are the confirmation.

On the personal details page you will find an open field "Speciale Wensen" = "Special wishes".
Here you can indicate the desired start number and your transponder number or you want to rent a transponder.
You can also indicate here if you want an invoice. Then also mention the invoice details.

To those who have reserved, but have not mentioned the details of transponder and race number, we ask you to let us know by email; info@gk4kartseries.com.

Reservation Events GK4 Kart Series (GK4) and BEKC 2019

Go to https://www.gk4kartseries.com   
Next click on the link “Inschrijven” (Reservation) at the top of your screen.
Choose your class under “Inschrijfformulier”(Reservation form).
A new screen opens where you can select the events that you would like to Participate.
Do not notice the date 30 December 2019/time 00.00/Nederland.
Choose the event that you would like to participate.
You can subscribe for one or more events by selecting ‘1’ from the dropdown menu on the right of each event; based on the event you see amount to pay.
Click on the orange button “Volgende” (Next).
Please fill in:
Persoonlijke details = Personal details person who makes reservatio
Voornaam = First name
Tussenvoegsel = Connection example Jean de Rue (de is connection)
Achternaam = Last name
Email adres = Email address
Telefoonnummer = Telephone number
Tickethouder details = Details driver

Speciale wensen = Your wishes as startnumber, hire transponder, your transpondernumber etc.
Ik ga akkoord met de algemene voorwaarden = I agree with the terms and conditions.
In the right sidebar you can see the summary of your reservation. In orange you can see
how much time you have to complete the reservation.
When every field is filled out, you can click on the  orange button “Volgende”(Next) to go to the payment page.
To finish the reservation you can select the desired payment option. Click on the payment option that you would like to use and click on ‘Afrekenen’ (Pay)
When the payment is successful you are being redirect to an Order Confirmation page with a summary of the reservation.
Here you can also download the admission tickets for the event. To download the tickets click on the orange ‘Tickets downloaden’ button.
You will also receive a confirmation of your reservation by email. The tickets are also attached to this email. The ticket is your prove of payment and gives you access to the Event(s).

There is one more payment to make: administration costs € 25,00 (first of two payments). This can be paid In cash at Secretariat in Genk.

Important documents, like the race regulations and Timeschedules (per vent) we will place on our
website www.gk4kartseries.com as soon as possible.

We look forward to meet you in our championships.

The GK4 Team
Ben de Feyter
Casper Reinders


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